Saturday, June 27, 2020

Matariki New Year report

We were learning about how to write a report properly and how to add proper word in to our report to make it stand out.
I found it easy to write my report in three days time and to teach some of my friend and family to write a report.
I found it challenging to post it on my blog on time because I was a bit stressed and a bit worried that I wouldnt get it posted on my blog on time.
Next time I will focus more on my work and not get to stressed on my work that I do next in writing.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Chinese New Year

We were learning about how to write a report properly and how to teach our family memebers.
 I found it easy to write a report and learn new things about reports.
I found it challenging to get it finished on time because I was stressed to get it posted on my blog on time.
Next time I will focus more on my work to get it finished on time because I was really stressed.

Ururangi learning

We were learning about the Matariki star Ururangi because our hole school got a Matariki star to learn about and my class got Ururangi.
I found it easy to add a background on the slide, write some facts about ururangi, post my facts on my blog and make it beautiful.
I found it challenging to get it finished on time because I was a bit slow like always and i was busy most of the time but I got it finished.
Next time I will make sure to add more facts on my slide because I only wrote 3 things.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Me and Carter's Avatar

We were learning about how to work with our buddies in our cooperative group and how to make things together.
I found it easy to make a avatar with my friend carter and to share ideas with him to make this creature.
I found it challenging to choose a animal because we did not know what animal to pick.
Next time I will talk more to my buddy and problem solve what we want to do more on our work.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Commenting on Tiana's blog

We were learning about commenting helpful things, thoughtful things and positive things on someones blog.
I found it easy to comment on Tiana's blog, put the comment on a google drawing, put it on my blog and say nice things and things she needs to work on.
I found it challenging to concentrate on my work because I was silly while doing my work.
Next time I will not be silly and get on with my work because I was talking to my friends.


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Patiences blog

We were learning about how to do a blog tour on some elses blog and say cool things about there post on there blog.
I found it easy to do the screencastify, post it on my blog, do the video and saying things about the person.
I found it challenging to put the video on the slide because I forgot how to do it and to post it on time because everything was loading for along time.
Next time I will focus more on my work cause I wasnt focusing that much to much on my learning but luckly i got it finished on time.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

My Netball ball drawing

I hope you like my drawing so the reason why I did this drawing of a netball ball is because this is my favorite sport and I wanted you guys to know that so hope you like it.

Blog tour

We were learning about showing people around the world our blog.
I found it easy to do the screencastify and post it on my blog.
I found it challenging to put the video on the google slide.
Next time I will focus more on my work and not be silly that much.