What did you learn, to try new thing and try different things that you have always wanted to do or things you wanted to acomplish on camp.
What did you enjoy, on camp kayaking was my favorite part but about the worksheet I liked writing about all the great memories I had on camp because everything on camp was like my dreams house. exploring and doing new things everyday would be the best thing ever.
What was challenging, doing my animation because I had to do lots of slides and do mote for my finishing touch of my aniamtion. On camp it was problably going to sleep because it was hard going to sleep with a bunch of people in one space all together. I would have preferd a cabin then a dorm because there were to much people in the dorm. All the girls were talking all night and everynight, there were lots and lots of girls and the boys were noisey as well nextdoor. A cabin would be more peacefull because there is only four people in a cabin but in a girls dorm there is like thousands.
What was easy, typing in the stuff I was doing at camp in my booklet because I still remember some stuff but the stuff I didnt remember were in the booklet so I just got some idea's from the booklets and put it in my answer sheet. I really enjoyed it because I was remembering the fun times I had with my friends at camp.
What will you do next time, I will add more detail in my work and animation because I just polylined it and didnt do any detail because I was in a rush because I messed up in my animation and I was so far in my into my animation and I had to restart most of my animation but at least I finished it in time and got it done and dusted.